Steering Committee 3 in Zagreb, Croatia focusing on WP3 – Conception and implementation of a new innovative study program “IT applied in air transport”- 13th – 14th of December 2018

Presentation on KAAT project at INAIR 2018 in Hainburg an der Donau, Austria by Antonin Kazda, 20th of November 2018

Attending INAIR 2018 in Hainburg an der Donau, Austria with the presentation “New Approach in Airport Management: Digitalization” by Sorin Eugen Zaharia, 20th of November 2018

Attending the SEEB Logistics in Zagreb with the paper “An Outline of Sectoral Qualifications Framework In Aviation Industry” 5th of November 2018

Attending the 6th Conference and General Assembly of the Romanian Airport Association (RAA) and presenting the main findings of the “Qualification Report in Air Transport”, in Iasi, Romania by Sorin Eugen Zaharia, 1st – 2nd of November 2018

Presenting the KAAT project at the “Erasmus+ in Higher Education: A Step Beyond Mobility” event in Bucharest, Romania by Adina Pavel, 11th of October 2017

Attending the 6th International Conference RMEE2018 Performance Management or Management Performance? in Cluj, Romania and presenting “New Trends in Airport Management” by Casandra Pietreanu, 20th – 22nd September 2018

Attending the 11th ACI Europe Leadership and HR Forum, KAAT Project presentation, Varna, Bulgaria, 17th -20th September 2018

Attending the reunion of the Directors of Romanian airports and presenting “Smart Qualifications for Smart Employees in Air Transport”, Sorin Eugen Zaharia, in Venus, Romania, August 2018
Steering Committee 2 in Lisbon, Portugal presenting the two reports on occupations and qualifications and progress for WP7, WP8, WP9, WP10, 11th July 2018
Presentation of the highlights of the “Qualifications Report in Air Transport” in Lisbon, during the Smart Qualification for Smart Air Transport Occupations, by Sorin Eugen Zaharia – 10 of July 2018
Workshop “Smart qualification for smart air transport occupations” – 10th of July 2018 Lisbon

Attending EDULEARN 2018 10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies with the presentation “Better partnerships for better skills and employability in air transport, by Sorin Eugen Zaharia in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2nd – 4th of July 2018

KAAT project presentation at ACI Europe Leadership and Human Resources Forum in Athens, Greece, by Sorin Eugen Zaharia – 7th – 10th of May 2018

KAAT project presentation at ICAO EMEA Summit Aviation Youth Event by Stefan Popescu – 8th of May 2018

Attending Transport Research Arena TRA2018 conference in Vienna with the paper “The future of aviation: trends, skills and training”, by Linda Napoletano from Deep Blue – 16th April 2018

KAAT Project presentation for EU project officer in Bruxelles by Sorin Eugen Zaharia – 31st of January 2018