In this working package, we aim to undertake an occupational analysis of the aviation sector. The analysis contains the description of around 120 occupations from aviation by providing definitions and descriptions in terms of knowledge, skills and competences of each occupation in compliance with ESCO development. The analysis will contain also a part dedicated to the future occupations for what we already have to envisage the education or training programmes
The development of analysis will be in concordance with NACE, EASA and ICAO classifications linked to relevant international classifications and frameworks, such as ISCO, ESCO and EQF and based also on dialog with the employers’ partners in the project and also with other stakeholders of the sector.

The report on occupational analysis will contain:
– a deep analysis of the demands of the labour market in accordance with the continuous development of the aviation sector and the regulations of the sector;
– proposals for improvement of some regulations on occupation in air transport;
– a list of approximately 120 occupations with definitions and specifications of knowledge and skills necessary; the occupations will be classified by subsectors and by the criteria of regulated or non-regulated; for the first category will be indicated the document which regulates the occupation;
– a list with the anticipated occupations in air transport.
Information of this report could be used for the ESCO version 2.