The aim of this work package is to prepare a state of the art of qualifications in air transport industry and to improve the match between occupations, skills/competences and qualifications.

The final Report on qualifications analysis in air transport industry  will contain:

– an analysis of study programmes (qualifications) of Higher Education (HE) institutions in the project;

– an analysis of the qualifications and trainings offered by the training providers in aviation sector

– proposals for improving regulations concerning qualifications in air transport industry;

– descriptions of 30 qualifications with definitions in terms of learning outcomes: knowledge, skills, autonomy and responsibility ;

– new qualifications taking into consideration the evolution of the sector and new occupations presented in the output the Report of occupations elaborated in Work Package 1;

– an analysis on the match between the occupations and qualifications in aviation.

In the case of regulated qualifications, the analysis will take into consideration the corresponding documents elaborated by Europe Agency for Safety in Aviation (EASA),  International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) or European Commission (EC).

The qualifications will be classified by regulated or non-regulated categories and by  European Qualification Framework (EQF) levels.